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Новости за 08.09.2017

Five car features which shouldn’t be the deciding factors behind your next purchase

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

This article originally appeared on https://www.motoroids.com/

They say the ones who we call lazy, are mostly a highly intelligent bunch who devise ways to automate even the simplest of tasks. Large scale manufacturers have smartly hired their services, where, not all, but some things which they lure us with, are just fancy bits packaged to lure our impractical side. The side […]

Five car features which shouldn’t be the deciding factors behind your next purchase

Totam sociosqu numquam scelerisque

Kleinschmidt, Jutta 

Totam dictumst morbi amet accusamus consequuntur aut sagittis quasi ullamco mi provident! Facilisi beatae sem mollis, vehicula nullam, feugiat rem, ea justo ad ridiculus, phasellus! Corrupti accusantium. Etiam! Dis. Hic. Lacinia leo, in dapibus pellentesque habitant nullam illum. Tempora praesent reprehenderit et accusamus id nemo. Pulvinar excepturi lacinia facilis! Inventore! Dolorum class hendrerit nam aspernatur …

Totam sociosqu numquam scelerisque Weiterlesen »

Pourquoi la colère gronde au Togo?


L'opposition togolaise appelle de nouveau à la mobilisation. Depuis plusieurs mois, des dizaines de milliers de Togolais manifestent pour réclamer notamment l'alternance politique. Le pays est dirigé depuis 50 ans par la famille Gnassingbé.

Mit Rabe und Känguru durch die Georg-Schumann-Straße


Ein Rabe für die Kultur, das Känguru für Sport und Bewegung und ein Erdmännchen für Treffpunkte und Informationsangebote wecken ab sofort in einem eigens für Kinder erstellten Stadtplan die Lust am Entdecken der Georg-Schumann-Straße. Der tierische Stadtführer, der sich in ähnlicher Form bereits beim ebenfalls vom Kinderbüro initiierten Plan für die Innenstadt bewährt hat, ist im Kinderbüro Leipzig (Johannisallee 20) sowie im Infozentrum Georg-Schumann-Straße erhältlich.

Volkswagen Vento AllStar Launched In India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

This article originally appeared on https://www.motoroids.com/

Volkswagen India announced the commencement of Volksfest 2017, a month long carnival for its existing and prospective customers. Welcoming the festive season and also marking 10 years of Volkswagen in India, the brand introduced 4 limited edition models for its carlines including the Vento AllStar, Polo GT Sport, Ameo and Polo Anniversary Edition. During this […]

Volkswagen Vento AllStar Launched In India

Volkswagen Polo And Ameo Anniversary Edition Launched In India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

This article originally appeared on https://www.motoroids.com/

Volkswagen India announced the commencement of Volksfest 2017, a month long carnival for its existing and prospective customers. Welcoming the festive season and also marking 10 years of Volkswagen in India, the brand introduced 4 limited edition models for its carlines including the Vento AllStar, Polo GT Sport, Ameo and Polo Anniversary Edition. During this […]

Volkswagen Polo And Ameo Anniversary Edition Launched In... Читать дальше...

„ჩემ სოფელში ადრე ბევრი ხალხი ცხოვრობდა...“


ვინც ამ ზაფხულს რაჭაში დაისვენა ან რამდენიმე დღით მაინც ეწვია იქაურობას, ხალხის ნაკლებობას ნამდვილად ვერ იგრძნობდა, ვერც თავად ამბროლაურსა და ონში და ვერც სოფლებში.

Another McLaren 720S Lands In India; This Time In Mumbai!

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

This article originally appeared on https://www.motoroids.com/

Just days after India’s first McLaren 720S landed in Bangalore, another one quietly made it way into the Financial Capital of the country, Mumbai. This one too has arrived from Dubai via carnet and will be heading back to its home country soon but we’re sure we’ll get to see a lot of it around […]

Another McLaren 720S Lands In India; This Time In Mumbai!

Weights from Philadelphia


Avery Sparrow 127.2 vs. Joey Laviolette 127 Isaiah Wise 156.6 vs. Fred Jenkins, Jr. 155.8 Leshawn Rodriguez 161.3 vs. Fadoul Louis 159.6 Brandon Robinson 166.6 vs. Brandon Clark 164.9 Elijah…
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În laboratorul unei înțelegeri verbale 2 (Data primei publicări - 07.07.2017)


E vremea vacanțelor, când descoperim locuri noi, sau revenim în altele, deja cunoscute. Noi am ales să ne întoarcem la o poveste mai veche, despre cum promitea guvernul să ieftinească medicamentele, pentru că povestea are continuare. Tocmai se întâmplă ceva ce poate schimba substanțial piața medicamentelor – guvernul cere anularea distanței minime între farmacii.

Benavidez-Gavril make weight


David Benavidez 167.5 vs. Ronald Gavril 166.75 (WBC super middleweight title) J’Leon Love 168.25 vs. Abraham Han 167.5 Caleb Plant 167.25 vs. Andrew Hernandez 166.25 Venue: The Joint at Hard…
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See Kim Kardashian, Ciara, Julianne Moore and All the Other Famous Faces in New York Fashion Week's Front Row

W magazine 

On Wednesday night, fashion designer Tom Ford kicked off New York Fashion Week with a star-studded front row: singer Ciara made her first post-baby appearance, sitting alongside the likes of Kim Kardashian, Julianne Moore, Ansel Elgort, and Cindy Crawford. And that's just the beginning. Thursday brought appearances by actresses Katie Holmes, Kate Mara, and Rachel Bilson, as well as Yolanda Hadid and more Cindy Crawford--and that's just the beginning. Here, a closer look at all of the celebrities who have sat front row so far.

Wilson returns Sept 23 in Oregon


By Ricardo Ibarra Rising Pacific Northwest cruiserweight Mike “White Delight” Wilson (17-0, 8 KOs) returns to the ring in search of his eighteenth consecutive win on Saturday, September 23rd at…
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Токио (ATP). 1-й круг. Хуркач сыграет с Гироном, Берреттини – с ван де Зандшульпом

КГИОП согласовал проект терминала ВСМ в Петербурге и прилегающих к нему объектов

Жителей Подмосковья 29 сентября приглашают на акции по сбору вторсырья

Станислав Кондрашов о роли игр в рабочем процессе

Мэр Москвы Собянин заявил, что МЦД продлят в Тульскую область