Reiterative Enrichment and Authentication of CRISPRi Targets (REACT) identifies the proteasome as a key contributor to HIV-1 latency
by Zichong Li, Jun Wu, Leonard Chavez, Rebecca Hoh, Steven G. Deeks, Satish K. Pillai, Qiang Zhou
The establishment of HIV-1 latency gives rise to persistent chronic infection that requires life-long treatment. To reverse latency for viral eradiation, the HIV-1 Tat protein and its associated ELL2-containing Super Elongation Complexes (ELL2-SECs) are essential to activate HIV-1 transcription. Despite efforts to identify effective latency-reversing agents (LRA), avenues for exposing latent HIV-1 remain inadequate, prompting the need to identify novel LRA targets. Here, by conducting a CRISPR interference-based screen to reiteratively enrich loss-of-function genotypes that increase HIV-1 transcription in latently infected CD4+ T cells, we have discovered a key role of the proteasome in maintaining viral latency. Downregulating or inhibiting the proteasome promotes Tat-transactivation in cell line models. Furthermore, the FDA-approved proteasome inhibitors bortezomib and carfilzomib strongly synergize with existing LRAs to reactivate HIV-1 in CD4+ T cells from antiretroviral therapy-suppressed individuals without inducing cell activation or proliferation. Mechanistically, downregulating/inhibiting the proteasome elevates the levels of ELL2 and ELL2-SECs to enable Tat-transactivation, indicating the proteasome-ELL2 axis as a key regulator of HIV-1 latency and promising target for therapeutic intervention.