Life-enhancing choices
Sadly, Sylvana Bannon (‘Where are the pro-lifers in the migrants’ plight?’, January 7) chose to exploit the plight of the desperate immigrants who were trapped on a ship near our shores to rubbish pro-life activists with overpowering emotion.
She has, to put it mildly, been profoundly unjust and misguidedly judgemental, making such sweeping statements that one cannot help but wonder what her real agenda is.
Most pro-lifers, whether Catholic or not, by the very nature of their outlook on life, are generally coherent in respecting human dignity in all its stages. This is also consonant with the Catholic philosophy of life in every dimension.
If she was at all interested in taking the trouble to find out what pro-lifers really think and do, she would realise they have a strong opinion on every aspect of life, be it economic, environmental or familial. After all, life is a web in which everything and everyone is interconnected.
She should also realise that the involvement of most Christians in these different arenas is usually done without fanfare or publicity. They tend to follow the biblical imperative of ‘the left hand not knowing what the right hand gives’.
As for the gratuitous...