Mike's Blog Round Up
The "Good-Bye, Dolly, Hello, Hamberders" Edition.
Joe.My.God. on Burger-Gate: "Trump Boasts: I Paid For Over 1000 'Hamberders'”. Ay-yup. 120 team members from Clemson (plus coaches, yada) so each one had maybe six or seven "hamberders"? Sure. (Check the pix. Far from 1,000 burgers there.)
Strangely Blogged compares & contrasts how Steve King & Trump are treated by their party.
Politicalprof on that Brexit stuff: Not normal.
WhatWouldJackDo poses the question "Mitch McConnell: Is he or is he not the Black Angel of Death?" Also, where is Mitch?
Bonus amusement from the top of the world: Riddled.
Extracted from the internet by M. Bouffant, whose other extractions are available at WEB OF EVIL (& ENNUI).