Jadavpur University professor Kanak Sarkar who wrote a controversial post on 'virgin brides' has been divested of his duties with immediate effect on Wednesday.Om Prakash Mishra, head of the International Relations department, has forwarded the recommendation to the Vice Chancellor of the university.As per reports, the professor had compared a woman's virginity to a sealed bottle or packet in a Facebook post."In view of the recommendation of the Student-Teacher Committee of the Department, Prof. Kanak Sarkar is divested of his teaching duties with immediate effect. Substitute arrangements would be decided in the meeting of the Board of Studies scheduled on January 18, 2019," the recommendation stated."The committee deliberated for over three hours and they have recommended to me to divest him of his responsibilities as teacher in the department. It was also recommended by the committee that professor be debarred from teaching responsibilities in the university. There was also a demand