The Chairman of the Bar Council of India, MK Mishra said on Wednesday that there is strong resentment among several judges on the issue of elevation of Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Dinesh Maheshwari to the Supreme Court."There is strong resentment among several judges. Names of Justice Menon and Justice Nandrajog were recommended in December. Now suddenly collegium has taken a U-turn after 20-25 days," said MK Mishra.President Ram Nath Kovind on Wednesday appointed Justices Dinesh Maheshwari and Sanjiv Khanna as Supreme Court judges.Justice Maheshwari is the Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court while Justice Khanna is a judge of the Delhi High Court.The Supreme Court Collegium on January 10 recommended their elevation.The Collegium decision got mired in a major controversy, with former Chief Justice of India R M Lodha and some others from the judicial fraternity raising questions.Bar Council of India, while commenting on the elevation of High Court judges Justice Dinesh ...