Odisha Congress MLA , Naba Kisore Das has tendered his resignation to the party president Rahul Gandhi expressing his interest to join hand with chief minister Naveen Patnaik-led BJD.Das who was appointed as working president of the Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC), said in his resignation letter that he does not have any complain against Niranjan Pattnaik, President, PCC."But the people and the voters of my area want me to contest 2019 election as a BJD member as they want to see development in our area. Hence, I have decided to join hands with Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister of Odisha," read the resignation letter."All the valuable suggestion of my people, I shall place it before the Chief Minister on his visit to Jharsuguda on January 24," it read.In his letter, he stated that on the request of public and voters who pressurized him, he has decided to resign from Congress primary membership and from the post of working president PCC.