The Research Letter titled “Trends in First Gabapentin and Pregabalin Prescriptions in Primary Care in the United Kingdom, 1993-2017,” published in the November 27, 2018, issue includes errors in the Introduction. This included indicating that gabapentin is approved for epilepsy, neuropathic pain, and migraines and that pregabalin is approved for generalized anxiety disorder. It was also indicated that in 2017, the UK government reclassified gabapentinoids as class C controlled substances. The Introduction has been corrected and now indicates that pregabalin is approved for epilepsy, neuropathic pain, and migraines, that gabapentin is approved for generalized anxiety disorder, and that in April 2019, the UK government will reclassify gabapentinoids as class C controlled substances. (All other information in the Introduction was correct and is unchanged.) This article was corrected online.