Fox And Friends: Activist Conservative Supreme Court Judges Always Vote For Trump
Fox and Friends opened Tuesday with the hosts lamenting 16 new lawsuits filed against Trump's bogus national emergency.
Then they claimed the Supreme Court always votes with Trump.
Republicans and conservatives always attack "activist judges" (left wing only), but they actually heavily rely on the conservative state judges and the conservatives on the Supreme Court to get the legislation they want. And they also used conservative "activist judges" to then strike down bills they oppose.
The courts are their real constituency.
Fox and Friends realized this early today.
Kilmeade, Doocy, and Earhardt all agreed that the 9th Circuit Court is evil.
Kilmeade summed up the lawsuits saying, "They got their friendly court ---- As the president predicted, game on. Start working your way up the ladder."
Ainsley: "The Supreme court."
Steve: "And what they want -- well, it could go up to the Supreme Court."
Ainsley: "Probably will."
They are so hoping it does.
The host discussed this possible court case running through the 2020 election.
Ainsley said, "But if this emergency order does go through, and it does hit the Supreme Court, and you have conservative justices that vote for the president, and vote on his side, it would give him 6.7 billion beyond what he's already authorized.
There you go.
Forget about the law and the Constitution. Trump is hoping for this outcome too.