Grandmother stabbed 16 times with butcher knife, screwdriver
LEE COUNTY, Ark. — A 64-year-old woman is recovering in Texas after being stabbed at least 16 times while visiting her granddaughter in Arkansas.
Donna Jones and her son had traveled to Lee County to see her granddaughter off to prom.
But Queen Jones, 17, said having her ex-con uncle there put a damper on the occasion.
“Telling me about crazy things he [had] done, crazy things he planned to do,” Queen said.
Things turned frightening April 16 when the teen learned those plans involved her and her family.
“He just goes into saying how he was gonna chop me up and burn me, throw me in the field, have me for barbecue ‘cause he was a dragon and he had to eat,” she said.
After first painting teardrops on his face with black nail polish, Queen said her uncle was sitting with her family in their living room when he snapped. She said he ran to the kitchen, grabbed a butcher knife and began stabbing his mother.
“When he started cutting me, I’m like, ‘Oh, hell no,’” Donna said.
“He started stabbing her in her face and her neck,” Brandie Williams, Queen’s mother, said.
Williams and her daughter managed to make it to the safety of her Queen’s bedroom. When the butcher knife finally broke, Donna was able to join them. But it wasn't long before Queen's uncle was back on the offensive.
Queen said her uncle broke down the door and began attacking her grandmother with two screwdrivers.
Williams and her daughter scrambled to a next-door neighbor’s house where they called for help, but Donna was trapped.
“I started kicking him in his private parts … fighting back,” she said.
She was able to get free and locked herself in another room. She said deputies finally arrived and took her son to jail.
WREG isn’t naming the suspect since it’s unclear if he’s been officially charged. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office didn’t return repeated calls and emails Monday.