Maharashtra Day 2019: Check WhatsApp, Facebook Messages, SMS, Quotes to Greet Your Family and Friends Happy Marathi Diwas
Jai Maharashtra! Every year, on May 1, the people of the Maharashtrian community celebrate Maharashtra Din or Diwas. This day signifies Maharashtra. According to history, it was this day in 1960 that Maharashtra gained its statehood. This foundation day calls for special celebrations and festivities to celebrate May Day or Maharashtra Day. The state of Maharashtra was formed on May 1, 1960, under the Bombay Reorganisation Act, 1960 after the demand for a separate state for the Marathi speaking community was made.
As per the tradition, families, friends, colleagues all celebrate by wishing each other and send messages on WhatsApp messages, quotes, with Facebook status updates, GIF images and SMS’s and preferably in the Marathi language.
Here are a bunch of Maharashtra Day messages in English and Marathi to wish your near and dear ones:
Messages in English
Maharashtra is a tune. It must be sung together. I love my freedom. I love my Maharashtra. “Jai Maharashtra!” Long Live Maharashtra
Shrikhand Puri, Reshmi Gudi, Limba che Pan, Nav Varsha jaao chhan. Amchya sarvanchya tarphe hardik shoobhecha. Happy Maharashtra Day
I wish all People living in Maharashtra, Happy Maharashtra Day
Happy Maharashtra Day 2019
Jai Jai Maharashtra Maza, Garza Maharashtra Mera !!!
Happy Maharashtra Day 2019.
What the people want is very simple. They want Maharashtra as good as its promise. Jai Maharashtra
Wish All People Living In Maharashtra, Happy Maharashtra Day On This Maharashtra Day Lets Unite. Jai Jai Maharashtra Maza, Garza Maharashtra Mera! Happy Maharashtra Day 2019.
May the light that we celebrate show us the way and lead us together on the path of peace and social harmony. Happy Maharashtra Day.
I Wish All People Living In Maharashtra, Happy Maharashtra Day On This Maharashtra Day Lets Unite. Jai Jai Maharashtra Maza, Garza Maharashtra Mera! Happy Maharashtra Day 2019.
Messages in Marathi
माझा माझा महाराष्ट्र माझा, मनोमनी वसला शिवाजी राजा, वंदितो या भगव्या ध्वजा, गर्जतो, गर्जतो महाराष्ट्र माझा… गर्जा महाराष्ट्र माझा…!
दगड झालो तर “सह्याद्रीचा” होईन!
माती झालो तर “महाराष्ट्राची” होईन!
तलवार झालो तर “भवानी मातेची” होईन!
आणि …
पुन्हा मानव जन्ममिळाला तर “मराठीच” होईन!
महाराष्ट्र दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!!
!!!जय महाराष्ट्र!!!
अभिमान आहे मराठी असल्याचा, गर्व आहे महाराष्ट्रीय असल्याचा…. महाराष्ट्र दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा
महाराष्ट्राची यशो गाथा, महाराष्ट्राची शौर्य कथा, पवित्र माती लावू कपाळी, धरती मातेच्या चरणी माथा…., महाराष्ट्र दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा