Letter: Truth about landlords may lead to sensible rent control
Truth about landlords may
lead to sensible rent control
Re: “The price we pay” (Page A1, April 28):
On Sunday, the Mercury News presented the first of what is sure to be a depressing series of articles on the state of housing in the Bay Area.
Yes, buying is becoming something that requires being part of an IPO to afford and the shortage of housing in the area will make that an unfortunate player for years to come. Escalating rent prices will also keep many from being able to save for a down payment.
What needs to be spotlighted by this series is that owners of rental units are using “what the market will bear” as carte blanche justification to rob people of their hard-earned wages.
Once citizens know the true numbers regarding how much landlords are raking in, voters will have the ammunition we need to fight the millions of dollars landlords pour into defeating sensible rent control measures.
Larry Edson
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