We are Extinction Rebellion and we are right about the climate crisis
We took over London, we disrupted your lives and we probably annoyed the hell out of you. We are Extinction Rebellion.
Once it was just the hippies and scientists who said humans would end up destroying the planet. But the last few weeks have changed all that – talk of the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis is in every pub, nursery, school and office.
It might just save us. The threat we all face is unequivocal: the long standing scientific consensus is that we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we’re in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.
Despite the science, this grave threat continues to be roundly ignored by our political leaders. Previously, it was easy for them to do so but the arguments of these ‘climate deniers’, dressed up as science, have finally been discredited.
But there’s a new wolf in sheep’s clothing which promises that ‘it’s not all that bad and we don’t have to act that quickly’.
In recent days, newspapers and powerful elites have tried to brandish us and even Sir David Attenborough as ‘climate alarmists’.
We are apparently creating unnecessary stress and duress among normal people trying to get on with everyday life.
But whatever you think of us, however annoying or sanctimonious, we’re right about the science.
Even the previously conservative IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), which exists to advise governments worldwide on the risks posed by climate change, concluded late last year that we are less than 11 years away from the doomsday scenario we’d rather not think about.
As the inspirational US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, points out: ‘Climate delayers aren’t much better than climate deniers. With either one if they get their way, we’re toast.’
And that’s why more than 1,000 Extinction Rebellion protesters were willingly arrested as we cleared London’s roads and bridges of traffic. It’s why Sir David Attenborough told the nation on the BBC, ‘right now, we’re facing our gravest threat in thousands of years: climate change’; and it explains why Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said, ‘If some companies and industries fail to adjust to this new world, they will fail to exist’.
Now public awareness is finally lining up with the scientific evidence. Sixty three per cent of the British public now think we’re in a climate emergency.
Despite this, political leaders showed this week just how out of step they are with the public they represent. Many queued up to meet Extinction Rebellion and promised exactly nothing. Michael Gove offered more meetings and to consider new ideas but not firm action.
Michael Gove let us down but maybe on Tuesday MPs will vote with their consciences and declare that there is a climate emergency. They can listen to the delayers and the prevaricators; or they can listen to the young people, mums, dads, grandads and scientists fighting for their families and for yours. History will judge our politicians for what they do now, but by then it might be too late.
MORE: ‘New Banksy’ appears at Marble Arch to mark end of Extinction Rebellion protests
MORE: Extinction Rebellion clean up after themselves as climate protests finish