The Full Nerd ep. 92: Intel's 9th-gen CPU deluge, Ryzen 3000 leaks, GeForce GTX 1650 performance
In this episode of The Full Nerd, Gordon Mah Ung, Brad Chacos, Adam Patrick Murray and special guest Mark Hachman dip into chips!
We kick things off by discussing the performance of Nvidia’s new GeForce GTX 1650, a $150 graphics card that can plug-and-play in any PC thanks to its ability to be powered solely by your motherboard—no extra 6- or 8-pin power connectors needed. It can’t quite beat out the Radeon RX 570, a two-year-old card that sells for even less money, but the GTX 1650’s versatility could help transform big-box office PCs into full-blown gaming rigs. If you already have a rig with a spare 6-pin power connector you’re probably better off opting for the Radeon instead, though.