Pulwama attack was BJP's conspiracy just like Godhra, says Shankersinh Vaghela
Pulwama terror attack was the BJP's conspiracy as was Godhra, said former Chief Minister Shankersinh Vaghela here on Wednesday."The vehicle with RDX which was used in Pulwama attack was bearing the registration initial of Gujarat -- GJ. Godhra was a conspiracy," said Vaghela, who is now in the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).Talking to media persons, Vaghela said: "Terrorism is used by the BJP government to win elections. A number of terrorist attacks have taken place since the last five years.""No one was killed in Balakot air strike. Even none of the international agency was able to prove that 200 militants were killed. Balakot airstrike was a planned conspiracy. It was supposed to happen," Vaghela said."Even after getting information from intelligence sources regarding Pulwama attack, no pre-emptive measures were taken. And if you had information about Balakot, then why didn't you take action against these camps. Why were you waiting for something like Pulwama to happen," he ...