President strongly condemns the Gadchiroli incident
President of India Ram Nath Kovind has strongly condemned the gruesome attack at Gadchiroli in Maharashtra on Wednesday in which 15 police personnel and a driver were killed in a landmine blast triggered by Naxalites."Strongly condemn the terror attack in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. Thoughts and prayers with the families of police personnel killed and wishing an early recovery to those injured. The entire nation stands united in the fight against such violence," tweeted President Ram Nath Kovind.Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took to Twitter to strongly condemn the attack."Strongly condemn the despicable attack on our security personnel in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. I salute all the brave personnel. Their sacrifices will never be forgotten. My thoughts and solidarity are with the bereaved families. The perpetrators of such violence will not be spared," PM Modi said.Home Minister Rajnath Singh termed it an act of cowardice and desperation." Attack on Maharashtra Police personnel in ...