Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said that the party's proposed minimum income guarantee scheme NYAY is a surgical strike on poverty.Speaking at an election rally here, the Congress president said, "Under NYAY, when Rs 72,000 per year will be sent directly to people's bank account then their purchasing power will increase which will lead to increase in production and employment.""Till your income is less than Rs 12,000, you will get Rs 72,000 per year. This scheme is a surgical strike on poverty," he added.The Congress president said, "There will be a separate budget for farmers from 2019 onwards. You will get to know in Barabanki what type of food processing units will be installed, how much MSP will be increased, details about compensation and insurance.""When NYAY scheme will begin then youth can start their own business. Earlier, if you wanted to start business then you had to offer bribery to the Yogi Adityanath government. If we are voted to power in 2019, there will