Letter: Several ways available to increase protection from measles
Several ways available
to protect from measles
It’s hard to imagine that 100 years ago, the average life expectancy in the United States was almost half that of today.
So it is unfortunate when there have been over 300 cases of measles in 2019. Now we wonder should something be done by legislators to protect people. There are several ways of going about this.
More information on the importance of vaccinations, how to set appointments, safety warnings of disease rates in other countries, and where outbreaks are occurring.
Another measure could be subsidies for the M-M-R®II vaccination. Another is to create a tax incentive for people to get vaccinated. Or even requiring children to get vaccinated. You can’t shout fire in a building without one and you can’t print false information with the intention of inciting violence. So can some cite freedom of belief when they puts lives at risk?
Orhan Hodzic
San Jose
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