GUNDALOW GATHERINGS: Dinner With a Twist This Sunday
I’ll be giving a presentation on behalf of the Gundalow Company this Sunday at 6 pm at the home of Ida McDonnell in Portsmouth, NH. Anyone who’ll be in the area this weekend can sign up here to get a ticket and join in the fun. The event is one of a series, called Gundalow Gatherings, wherein you get fed fine food and drink while listening to marine/historical folks like me bloviate about whatever. It costs some $$$, of course, all of which are fed into the maws of the Gundalow Company’s non-profit enterprise.
Gundalows, FYI, are the sailing barges that once served as the sinews of commerce here in the Piscataqua River/Great Bay watershed in coastal New Hampshire. The Gundalow Company maintains two of the beasts and uses the active one (Piscataqua, seen in the image up top) to run all sorts of cool educational programs.
I’ve long been a supporter.
My presentation on Sunday will see me revisiting certain
infamous adventures endured while abandoning ship 300 miles offshore in January
Yup… that’s me in the basket
If my gathering is full (heaven forfend) or does not seem interesting, be sure to check out the other dinners and topics being presented that night.
Hope to see you there!
Note too that the Gundalow Company is again running the renowned Round Island Regatta this year, now scheduled to take place in Portsmouth’s Back Channel on June 1 in conjunction with the new Piscataqua Riverfest.
This is a low-key strictly-for-fun competitive free-for-all
involving small sailboats, kayaks, paddleboards, and rowboats of all
description. (You can also win points by dressing up in silly costumes.)
I’ll be there once more in my Melonseed skiff and hereby
challenge one and all to come whup my butt on the race course. In costume or
You can register to play right here.
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