CFU - CFU Membership Renewals – Direct Debit scheme
We are now in a position to offer this for 2019/20 renewals and would like to ask you directly if you would like to be included in the scheme.
Annual membership remains at just £12, but we would like to ask if you would consider making a monthly payment of £2 or more (you can choose any monthly payment you wish to make from £2 upwards), starting from June 2019. Many members already generously donate above the £12 amount and a monthly Direct Debit amount selected by yourself (minimum £2 per month) is a good alternative way of doing it.
If you would like to help us improve our renewals process by setting up a direct debit then please email who can set this up for you very easily.
You can of course renew your CFU membership online via the link below or by contacting the club on 01244 371376 with a payment over the phone (please note only annual payments can be made over the phone).
Renew your CFU membership online here
Thank you for your continued support of City Fans United, and of course Chester FC.
Jeff Banks
Director of Fan Engagement & Membership
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