In a wielded attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu on Wednesday said that he seeks votes in the name of the security forces and dead bodies."Earlier when terrorist attacks used to take place, then people were asked to resign. Shivraj Patil had resigned after the terror attack in Mumbai. Vilasrao Deshmukh also gave his resignation. P. Chidambaram also gave his resignation, but former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh didn't accept it. But now when terrorist attacks take place, then you seek votes," Sidhu said while addressing a rally here."Tum lashon pe vote mangte ho. Tum kisano ki shahadat pe vote mangte ho," he added.Sidhu futher claimed that Prime Minister Modi is deflecting the minds of people from various issues."BJP is seeking votes on the name of Narendra Modi, while, Modi himself is seeking votes on the name of armed forces. And in Varanasi one Jawan is asking for votes against Prime Minister Modi," he said."Suna hai sarhado pe tanav hain, arey