Student Stomps on Pro-Life Display Shouting: “I Had an Abortion, I’m Super Proud of It”
A Planned Parenthood abortion activist was caught on video stomping on a pro-life display and shouting “proudly” about her abortion in April at the University of Texas- San Antonio.
The video from Students for Life of America shows the disturbing lengths that abortion activists go to celebrate the killing of unborn babies.
In the video, a small group of students can be seen holding Planned Parenthood signs in the middle of a Cemetery of the Innocents display. The campus pro-life group set up the display to raise awareness about the 911 babies who are aborted every day by Planned Parenthood.
One of the pro-abortion students stomps across the display with her sign and points to a cross saying, “Look there’s mine right there!” She also brags loudly about aborting her unborn baby.
“I had an abortion!” she shouts. Later when asked about it, she admits, “I’m super proud of it.”
Another student also shouts: “I love to have sex and abort fetuses. That’s my number one kink.”
The video shows the small group mocking the display by calling it a “fetus graveyard” and chanting, “Stop, hey, hey, what’s that sound? All the fetuses are in the ground!”
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This is not the first time the campus pro-life club has faced hostilities from abortion activists, according to Students for Life.
This week, the organization reported an alarming uptick in campus incidents like this one, with more than 50 vandalisms in the past school year. An interactive map displays where they occurred.
“With the pro-abortion fringe turning to violence, students speaking up for mothers and their pre-born infants face real opposition to the simple truth that we want to love them both,” said organization President Kristan Hawkins. “But we won’t be silenced.”
Hawkins said she also faced threats of violence throughout her recent campus speaking tour. She praised President Donald Trump for recently signing an executive order to protect students’ free speech. also has observed an increase in reports of hostility against pro-life advocates. Pro-life lawmakers and their families have been threatened, and pro-life sidewalk counselors have been assaulted.
Earlier this week, pro-life speaker Ryan Bomberger said abortion activists tried to disrupt his speech at the University of Texas- Austin by throwing a smoke bomb in the room.
On Wednesday, another abortion activist was arrested for allegedly throwing paint on the walls of the Alabama state House building and several security guards.
These are the incidents LifeNews has observed this year:
- Alabama – Abortion Activist Throws Paint inside Government Building as Lawmakers Vote to Ban Abortion
- Texas – University of Texas Austin Student Pro-Life Materials Stolen, Thrown in the Gutter (Students for Life)
- Texas – Abortion Activists Try to Shut Down Pro-Life Speaker With Smokebomb. They Failed
- Washington state – Conservative Student: Man Vandalized Display, Tried to Hit Her With Car Twice (The College Fix)
- Kentucky – Elderly Pro-Life Woman Attacked Outside Abortion Facility, Thighbone Broken
- Illinois – Thief Steals Pro-Life Students’ Display at Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville (Students for Life)
- Texas – Two Pro-Life Republican Lawmakers Under Police Protection After Threats (Dallas News)
- Missouri – Pro-life Speaker Michael Knowles attacked during speech at University of Missouri-Kansas City (Campus Reform)
- California – Pro-Abortion Students Throw Pro-Life Display Into River, Protest Pro-Life Speech With Coat Hangers
- California – WATCH: Planned Parenthood Supporter Brutally Assaults Elderly Pro-Life Volunteer
- Massachusetts – Massachusetts Citizens for Life Receives Suspicious Package, Building Shut Down
- Michigan – Video: Abortion Activists Steal Crosses from Pro-Life Display at University of Michigan
- Massachusetts – Pro-lifer Punched in Face Outside Abortion Facility
- Connecticut – Pro-Life Students’ Display Vandalized at University of Connecticut
- Minnesota – Campus Republican Club Catches Students on Video Tearing Down Pro-Life Fliers (College Fix)
- Australia – Video: Pro-Abortion Students Vandalize Pro-Life Campus Display (LifeChoice Australia)
- England – Police Investigate Violent Attacks on Pro-Life People at Prayer Vigils
- Ohio – Abortion Activists Harass Pro-Life Rape Survivor, Police Called
- California – Abortion Activists Destroy, Steal UCLA Pro-Life Club Signs (Live Action)
- Virginia – Pregnancy Center Vandalized in Politically Motivated Attack
- Washington, D.C. – Abortion Activists Smash Pro-Life Sign, Hit Boy and His Dad With a Stick
- Texas – Pro-Life Advocate Brutally Assaulted for Telling Man “Jesus Loves You”