Wayne LaPierre Racks Up A Hefty $39k Spending Spree At A Single Boutique
LaPierre has an annual salary well above one million dollars per year, and occasionally makes much more than that in deferred compensation ($5.1mil in 2015). Couple that with an unlimited expense account and you have one sweet gig. That thousands of Americans die needlessly every year in part due to his and the NRA's efforts is just too f'ing bad. Right, Wayne?
Source: Wall Street Journal
National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre billed the group’s ad agency $39,000 for one day of shopping at a Beverly Hills clothing boutique, $18,300 for a car and driver in Europe, and had the agency cover $13,800 in rent for a summer intern, according to newly revealed NRA internal documents.
The documents, posted anonymously on the internet, provide new details of the clothing, travel and other expenses totalling more than $542,000 that Ackerman McQueen Inc. alleges Mr. LaPierre billed to it.
The travel expenses allegedly include more than $200,000 in “Air Transportation” costs during a one-month period in late 2012 and early 2013, in part related to a two-week trip over Christmas to the Bahamas by Mr. LaPierre.