Hate gets you nowhere - Peter Agius
The political narrative between the two main parties over the past few weeks seems to have taken on a divide between Adrian Delia’s constant emphasis on the need to choose the best representatives to advance Malta’s interest in the European Parliament and the Prime Minister’s emphasis that the upcoming ‘European’ Election is a choice between him and the Leader of the Opposition.
When I was heading the European Parliament Office before joining Antonio Tajani’s cabinet in Brussels I was asked several times why the Maltese turn out to vote in such force. Malta is indeed the EU country with the highest turnout, excluding those where not voting results in a fine akin to an overspeeding ticket.
My reply to these curious colleagues was that the Maltese vote massively because our campaigns provoke antipathy, or let’s say hate, in the other party, so much so that our emotions drive us to the voting booths.
The reason most Labour supporters will go out to vote will be Delia and the Nationalist Party, who are exposing the other party’s lies and inefficiencies. In the same way, most Nationalist Party supporters will go out to vote to stand up to the Prime Minister and the excesses and...