It’s not just about the ‘bebbux’ Michael.... - Alan Deidun
Social Solidarity Minister Michael Falzon’s recent outburst in Parliament, which managed to pool together, in the same kettle of fish, social housing projects and snails (bebbux), raised more than one eyebrow.
The minister attributes, in fact, the constraints and caveats the government faces in identifying amenable sites for social housing projects to the fact that siting such projects in particular areas would bristle members of the public who would cry foul as some “snail” would be obviated.
Ensuing on such a train of thought, Dr Falzon opined that the government is essentially facing a Hobson’s choice... either resort to high-rise or else spill construction into areas presumably hosting the “snails”.
Such a line of reasoning probably takes the biscuit for the most dismissive one when it comes to all areas outside development boundaries. To boot, Dr Falzon had been entrusted with a different portfolio within the previous public administration, a portfolio which encompassed the Planning Authority as well.
As a result, it stands to reason that he has an inkling of the planning and development legal framework on these islands, particularly the existence of Outside Development...