Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati on Sunday alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is doing "dirty politics" over the gang-rape of a Dalit girl in Alwar. The former chief minister also assured of action by her party in the matter. Modi countered by saying she is shedding "crocodile tears by only making statements"."In the wake of this incident (Alwar gang-rape), Modi is doing dirty politics. BSP for sure will take required political decision if strict action is not taken in the case," Mayawati said in a press note by her party.Modi, at a rally in Kushinagar, urged Mayawati to withdraw support from the Rajasthan government- accused by both the prime minister and the BSP supremo of brushing the gang-rape case aside for political gains."Behenji you will have to answer, why didn't you withdraw support to Rajasthan's Congress government after a Dalit daughter was gang-raped in the state? You are shedding crocodile tears by only making statements," Modi said during the campaign.Mayawati