Excited 'future voters' flock pooling booths in Delhi with parents
Excited "future voters" accompanied their parents to pooling booths in the national capital to share the joy and satisfy their curiosity about the electoral process.
Holding their parents hands, children went inside polling stations and were excited to pose in photo kiosks set up at some booths.
Kritika Mehta, who voted in Greater Kailash, said it is not just important to take kids along to polling booths, but also talk to them about it beforehand.
"You should not only take your child with you when you vote, but you should also talk to him or her about what's happening and why they should be excited to take part in the election process. Today they are excited, tomorrow we have to make them an engaged citizen. We have to begin before they are old enough to cast their own ballot," she said.
Five-year-old Shweta Sethi, accompanied her grandparents to a polling booth in New Delhi and said she wanted to see a polling station after watching lots TV advertisements about elections.
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