Goa unit Congress accused Chief Minister Pramod Sawant of being busy in saving his government and gave a three-day ultimatum to the incumbent BJP government, on Sunday, to solve the problems surrounding Zuari bridge, which is creating troubles for commuters."Chief Minister Pramod Sawant is busy in Panaji by-election to save his government, which has resulted in the collapse of administration and chaotic situation on Zuari bridge on a regular basis. Congress party gives three days' deadline for the government to solve this crucial issue, which is affecting the commuters on Zuari bridge, especially office-goers, students and also fliers who leave for Dabolim Airport to catch their flight," the press note by Congress read.The note went on to add that if the issue was not resolved by Wednesday, Congress would begin agitations against the failure of state administration.People using the bridge were being forced to face jams lasting 2-3 hours on a daily basis according to Congress which ...