Have asked EC to take action against TMC induced violence in WB: Prakash Javadekar
Goons of Trinamool Congress are spreading violence and engaging in poll rigging at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata's behest, said Union Minister Prakash Javadekar after visiting the Election Commission (EC) on Sunday."Mamata Banerjee is shaken up and that is why the goons of TMC are rigging the elections and spreading terror, engaging violence in every phase of the elections. We demanded the Election Commission to investigate the incidents which happened today," Javadekar told reporters here.He met the EC along with MP Anil Baluni, Om Pathak and Sanjay Mayukh."We requested the EC to round up the history-sheeters before the seventh and the last phase to ensure smooth conduct of polls. We also asked them to install CCTVs only then can the mess in Bengal stop. They agreed to our demands and said that necessary action will be taken," Javadekar said.Earlier, Javadekar had said at a press conference that BJP was winning 300 seats till the sixth phase while NDA would easily manage 350 ...