West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday accused the central forces in the state of coercing voters to cast their vote in favour of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in several areas."I respect the central forces. But some of them are coercing voters to vote for BJP. I heard they opened fire on locals in one booth. How can they campaign in favour of Modi? Tomorrow when Modi will be ousted from power, where will they hide?" asked Mamata while addressing an election rally in support of Trinamool Congress (TMC) candidate Pratima Mondal, who she has fielded from Joynagar Lok Sabha constituency.Continuing her attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, TMC supremo accused him of running a parallel government in the state. "Narendra Modi is running a parallel government in Bengal, in guise of elections. We are tolerating everything silently. Our decency shouldn't be mistaken as our weakness. You people have insulted me and Bengal, you don't even allow me to run the government," she ...