Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi by alleging that his campaign is entirely self-centred."Modi keeps talking about himself. First, it was BJP. Then it was Modi and now he himself speaks about 'once more Modi'. Wherever he goes, Modi keeps saying the Congress will not win 40 seats. Do you believe that? If the Congress gets more than 40 seats, will Modi hang himself at Vijay Chowk in Delhi," asked Kharge.Talking about the UPA regime, Kharge said: "From 2004 to 2014, the UPA government brought in many schemes. Sonia Gandhi in spite of being forced to be Prime Minister declined. She instead wanted India to get a PM who was an economist.""The future and destiny of the Congress candidate Subash and mine are in the hands of the people," he said.The election to 28 constituencies in Karnataka has already been conducted in the second and third phases of the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. The counting of votes will take place on May 23.