Veteran actor Anupam Kher, extended his good wishes to the team of 'Mrs Wilson' for the BAFTA awards."Here is wishing team #MrsWilson great luck at the @BAFTA awards this evening. I wish I could be there. But my prayers and best wishes are always with you all. Jai Ho," he tweeted.The 64-year-old also shared a few snaps from the set along with his co-stars. In the pictures, he can be seen in a retro look wearing a black overcoat.During an interview, Kher described, "Mrs Wilson is set in a very interesting background and follows a gripping storyline which had me hooked as I read it. Not to mention, it is great to be part of such a talented star-cast ensemble. I look forward to shooting in the next month."'Mrs Wilson' is a period drama inspired by the memoir of Alison Wilson.The seasoned actor was recently seen supporting his wife and sitting BJP MP Kirron Kher in a public rally.