Rain, Rain Go Away!
by Emilie Carmolinga, 2019 ATTBN Junior Reporter
Today I woke up saying “NO, it’s raining!” thinking that I would not got to the golf course of the AT&T Byron Nelson and have the opportunity to be a Jr Marshall.
Turns out that we didn’t do any “marshalling” today but, me and fellow reporter Andrew still went to the golf course. We worked on our stories. We walked around and went to Kids Zone. On the way there, we went splashing in the puddles and stepping in the squishy mud!
We also interviewed the Tony Bevolo, Equipment Manager at Trinity Forest Golf Club. He said that his crew is made up of 80 people, including volunteers. That morning, he told us that he got to the golf course at 3:30 AM! I am not even awake by then, that is so early!
When he woke up and saw that it was raining,
Bevolo said he was optimistic and focused on how this was an opportunity for him and his team to put their “best foot forward.” He seemed excited to showcase the hard work of his team. Bevolo said that all jobs come with stress. For him, there is joy hosting a big prestigous tournament.
As soon as the rain stopped in the afternoon, his crew got to work. They use a hand squeegee to get rid of as much water as possible. They also use mowers to mow the green while it is still wet. At first we thought that this machine was sucking up all the water from the green, but we learned that it was just a mower.
We observed that the people were not negative, they stayed positive and optimistic! Also, we saw that when it stopped raining, Bevolo seemed relaxed. He did everything possible for the players to have a great experience.
When the rain stops, the clouds always part for the sun to shine, and well that’s what happened as we got in the car to leave!
Sunday’s forecast! SUNSHINE! And Junior Marshals were rescheduled and will be in action!
P.S Thanks, Mom, for buying me rain boots this morning!
The post Rain, Rain Go Away! appeared first on AT&T Byron Nelson.