Sheep, goat internal parasite workshop May 23 in Lampasas
Writer: Susan Himes, 325-657-7315,
Contact: Heath Lusty, 817-584-6628,
LAMPASAS — The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will hold a sheep and goat internal parasite management workshop on May 23 at the Lampasas County Annex Conference Room at 409 S. Pecan St., Suite 104, Lampasas.
The event will run from 1-5 p.m. and costs $15. Call the AgriLife Extension office in Lampasas County at 512-556-8271 to register by May 17.
AgriLife Extension sheep and goat specialist Dr. Reid Redden, San Angelo, will be the featured speaker. Participants are encouraged to bring animal fecal samples to learn how to determine parasite load.
“This will be a key workshop for all sheep and goat producers,” said Heath Lusty, AgriLife Extension agent, Lampasas County. “Dr. Redden, one of the leaders in the industry, will be giving us an overview of how to identify, treat and stop the spread of parasites in ruminants.”
Topics discussed will include:
- Smart Drenching.
- Preventing an Infection with Bioworma.
- Genetic Selection for Parasite Resistance.
- Conducting a Fecal Egg Count.
There will also be time for questions and answers. Contact the AgriLife Extension office in Lampasas County at 512-556-8271 for more information.
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