Union Minister Babul Supriyo on Sunday alleged that his security personnel's vehicles were attacked with stones by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) 'goons' near Basirhat.Supriyo said that he had gone for a rally for BJP candidate Sayantan Basu and while returning the attack took place."Driving bk frm Bashirhat after a rwlly for fellow BJP candidate SayantanBasu*Stopped 2 hv some tea*People taking selfies, cordial chats but suddenly a bunch of #TMchhi goons arrive & start shouting dirty slogans!Resisted by my security, they break their car & try on me too #TMchhi," Supriyo tweeted about the incident.The perpetrators of the attack have been taken to a detention place near Basirhat city, police said.Supriyo is safe as his security personnel rescued him from the attackers.The state leadership of BJP has filed a written complaint along with the video footage as proof with the Election Commission of India (ECI).Supriyo spoke directly to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister ..