Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that there was anti-incumbency during the 2014 general elections while there is a pro-incumbency wave in the ongoing elections.Addressing a public rally here, Modi opined that the ongoing Lok Sabha elections are not only being contested by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) but by "Bharatiya Janata" (People of India)."There was anti-incumbency during the 2014 general elections while there is pro-incumbency now. In 2014, there was aggression towards corruption, dynasty and policy paralysis. In 2014, the country only heard about Modi and his work. But in 2019, the country has identified the work done by Modi. The 2019 polls are not only being contested by BJP but by Bharatiya Janata," Modi said.The Prime Minister also thanked Madhya Pradesh and its city Indore for making cleanliness drive ' Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan' a success."I am thankful to both Madhya Pradesh and Indore. You have made one of my initiatives a great success. If the initiative of