63.43 pc voting in 6th phase of LS polls, highest in West Bengal 80.35 pc
Over 63 per cent polling was recorded in the sixth phase of Lok Sabha voting on Sunday, with the highest turnout of 80.35 per cent in West Bengal and minimum of 59.74 per cent in the city-state of Delhi.Barring stray incidents of violence in West Bengal, the election on 59 seats spread over eight states remained peaceful. The voting took place from 7 am to 6 pm."An estimated 63.43 per cent turnout was recorded on Sunday in the 6th phase of Lok Sabha polls on 59 seats," said Deputy Election Commissioner Umesh Sinha here on Sunday evening after the election was over.Over 5 per cent drop in turnout was recorded in Delhi which logged only 59.74 per cent voting as compared to 65.1 per cent registered in the last General Elections, Sinha said.Similarly, West Bengal and Haryana also saw a drop in the voting turnout in the sixth phase.The voter turnout for 8 Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal was pegged at 80.35 per cent as compared to 84.98 per cent recorded in 2014. Haryana witnessed a drop of .