6 Badass Moms You Need To Follow, Right Now
With new initiatives like Apple's screen time controls and a better understanding of how who you follow may affect the way you feel about yourself , social media users across the board are going to extra mile to better curate their follow choices. Following people who inspire you helps build community!
So, here r29unbothered has rounded up 6 very cool, very stylish and transparent Black mothers who are creating a safe space for women like them on the platform. Please do not call them "Mommy Bloggers", they are Women with sizable platforms and something to say who have also taken to task being a mom.
Tyra Mitchell
What is the most rewarding moment of being a mom?
Aside from watching my babies blossom every day, the most rewarding part about being a mother has to be the rebirth of self. Every day I feel stronger and wiser, and it’s all because of them. They have made me better than I could’ve ever imagined. I feel more grounded and spiritually in-tune.
How has being a mom to twin girls changed your idea of girlhood?
It honestly hasn’t changed that much. I’m an only child and was raised by all women, so I still have generations of knowledge that were instilled in me as a child that I believe are important to pass on to my daughters.
However, we are in different times. I plan to take these same values and modernize them. Overall, I want them to grow up knowing that they are powerful and can change the world because women are capable of anything.
Why was it important for you to create the Art Mom Project ?
There was nothing that I could relate to. Everywhere I turned for all-things-motherhood was middle aged and white-washed. I began to think, “There’s no way that this is the only portrait of motherhood.” I had to paint a different picture because I knew it existed. I knew that I wasn’t the only one that was in need of a space that highlighted the artwork and stories of young mothers that also looked like me. Not to say that Art Mom Project only highlights mothers of color, but I definitely try to make sure that a full spectrum of mothers is highlighted because representation is very important. The journey of motherhood can feel like such a lonely road. I’m only doing my part to remind other mamas that they’re not alone.
Marz Lovejoy
What is the most rewarding moment of being a mom?
Honestly, everything. It gets better every time I look at her.
In what ways has your daughter, Nomi, surprised you in her first year of life?
Nomi’s resilience is so astonishing. She’s such a tough girl! One second she’s fallen and hit her head, the next she’s laughing and having a ball! She teaches me a lot about strength.
How did you prepare for motherhood?
Nothing can truly prepare you until you experience it yourself. But l have really solid examples of mothers and guardians and have picked up on a lot of their parenting techniques, grace, and style.
Morgan White
What is the most rewarding moment of being a mom?
There are times when I’m driving in the car with Grey and it’s completely quiet. The radio isn’t on and we’re just lost in our thoughts. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, I hear her little voice say, “I love you, Mom” and my heart melts. I always wonder what she’s thinking about during those moments. When I ask her, she starts talking about “Brown Barbie” and random events from school. So for now, I just enjoy the moment for what it is.
Being a mom of two, how do you encourage both Grey and Roux to be individuals?
Being a role model for my girls is imperative to their individual growth. They are the most important members of our girl band. I’m very intentional with making sure Roux gets what she needs without stealing valuable time from Grey. And although she is my second child, I still hear ,“You better put that girl down. She is too spoiled.” If she wants to be held, I hold her. If she wants to be rocked to sleep, I rock. If she only wants to drink from the tap, then here’s your milk ma’am. Babies are only babies for a short amount of time. With only two short months under her belt, she’s not manipulating me, baby girl knows what she wants and I’m here to make sure her transition is loving and comfortable.
Now my girl Grey is not only cool, but extremely sweet. She’s super laid back, goes with the flow, and just wants everyone to be happy. (Basically a mini me) However, with this personality, I worry her peers will take her kindness as a weakness. So, I’ve started daily affirmations with her that encourage leadership qualities and someone who is a self thinker. I want her to continue to be cool enough to uplift those around her, without losing who she is.
What is the greatest lesson motherhood has taught you?
Motherhood has taught me to appreciate the value of time. Before my girls, I couldn’t wait for the weekend, or my next vacation, or Summer to roll back around. Now, I enjoy Tuesdays as if they are Saturdays and rainy cold days, like sunny Spring ones.
Charamon Hunter
What is the most rewarding moment of being a mom?
Seeing my son grow and become his own person but most importantly seeing him use the lessons we've taught him in his everyday life. I was recently at his school dropping off his lunch and I overheard one of the teachers say, “Oh Dennis, that’s a good kid. Not only is he handsome but he’s smart and respectful too!.” Melted my heart.
Why was it important to maintain herfavoriteLA , after becoming a mom?
I believe that there’s this moment after having a child when every mother asks herself sink or swim? In other words, do you lose yourself in being only a mom? Or do you swim in all of your dreams and keep yourself afloat?
I was miserable at my corporate job of 8 years and started to see how the world through the internet seemed to be trying to mimic what was already my style. Sporty, sneakers, laid back and unapologetic. I already had an authentic eye for what seemed to be so popular so I figured I’d assist by delivering it to them, literally.
Advice for mothers who want to be entrepreneurial as well as an active parent.
Choose something you love a go for it! As moms, we’d do anything for our lil ones and as business mommies it requires we do the same. Your business is your baby and it will be your hard work and guidance that will keep it going.
Zoila Darton
What is the most rewarding moment of being a mom?
Overall joy! Dakota just started giving hugs and kisses and it’s just pure euphoria. On a deeper level, knowing that we are paving our own path, creating our own traditions and building a legacy on our terms is equally rewarding as it is liberating. Zach, my partner, and I have worked really hard on ourselves and our relationship over the past 12 years and Dakota’s joyful spirit is a clear representation of that work. I feel like we’re doing a good job and that is rewarding as hell.
How do you balance Zoila time and Mommy time?
I don’t believe there is a balance. I’m working really hard on allowing myself to have me time without guilt and to have Dakota time without thinking about what I may be missing. It is a constant struggle but I think par for the course. So while I haven’t balanced the juggling act, I do know that a happy mom = a happy baby. This helps me prioritize me time in a world that’s constantly telling me I need to be more focused on my child. I always remind myself: If you’re taking care of the baby and the house and the business, who is taking care of you?
Something that has really helped me stay grounded has been a solid morning routine. When I own my morning with meditation, reading, writing and (occasional) work out I feel like I can take on anything. When my days starts on track, anxiety lessens and for me, the anxiety is what causes me to feel unbalanced.
What are 3 important lessons can you not wait to teach Dakota?
No one other than YOU can determine your worth. It’s more important to be kind than to be important and in life there are no failures, only lessons & blessings.
Jenné Claiborne
What is the most rewarding moment of being a new mom?
Watching my daughter develop and thrive is so rewarding. She smiles a ton, and is laughing more everyday. To know she's a healthy happy baby gives me so much pride and joy.
What has been your toughest motherhood moment to date?
The toughest moments were the 2 weeks I had to exclusively pump and bottle feed her to help her get back to her birth weight and thrive. She wasn't effectively breastfeeding so this emergency measure was necessary. Still, it was so hard to not be able to nurse her, and to know that for a few days at least she wasn't getting enough food directly from me. Longest 2 weeks of my life.
Given the lessons motherhood has taught you, how has it changed your relationships with some of the women in your life?
I have so much more appreciation for my mother and my Nana, and for all of the mothers in my life: my mother-in-law, step-mothers, friends with children. I'm overwhelmed with how much your ability to love can expand once you have a child. And I'm blown away by the commitment, unconditional love, sacrifice, and awesome power that goes into raising a child. I now understand what my mom and Nana meant when they told me, wait until you have a child.
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