Election Commission (EC) on Sunday condemned the statement made by Union minister and BJP leader Giriraj Singh at a public rally in Begusarai on April 24."The commission condemns the impugned statements made by Singh and strictly warns him to remain careful in his public utterances during the currency of the Model Code of Conduct," said EC in its order.In an apparent attack on Muslims, Singh had reportedly said" Whosoever does not say Vande Mataram, cannot worship motherland. My father and grandfather died at Simaria ghat and no grave was built for them. But you need three-arm's-length of land. If you could not do it, then the country will never forgive you."In the same incident, the EC had issued a show cause to the BJP leader on April 29."The commission, after seeing his video clip, is convinced that he has made an objectionable speech which has the tone and tenor to create mutual hatred between different religious communities," the EC said.Six phases of the general elections have ..