With Lok Sabha polls nearing end, the words of wars amongst the politicos seems to have intensified. Firing yet another salvo at the Congress party, Union Minister Piyush Goyal on Saturday referring to 26/11 Mumbai attacks said, then Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh was only concerned about getting his child a film role even as the city was under attacks."I am from Mumbai. You might remember the 26/11 terror attack. The then Congress government was weak and could not do anything. The then Chief Minister (Vilasrao Deshmukh) had brought a film producer outside Oberoi Hotel while shooting and bombing was going on inside. CM was concerned about getting his child a film role," Goyal said while addressing business community here on Sunday.Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh is the son of Vilasrao Deshmukh.He also termed the erstwhile UPA government led by former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh as a "coward government" for failing to respond to 26/11 attacks that shook Mumbai in ...