We could clone humans within 10 years, but should we?
If poor Fido gets stricken with cancer, you know just what to do.
Grab some doggie DNA before he yelps his last sad yelp, send it off to a cloning lab, and – bingo – you’ve got another Fido.
At least, that’s what you do if you’ve got Barbra Streisand’s bank balance.
Her beloved pooch wasn’t actually called Fido, but Samantha. And now Barbra’s the proud possessor of not one but two Samantha clones: Miss Scarlett and Miss Violet.
Apparently the going rate for a copycat bow-wow recently halved from a prohibitive $100,000. Who wouldn’t pay 50 grand to bring back your four-legged friend?
But what if it wasn’t Fido who got the terminal diagnosis, but gran?
In the movie The Sixth Day pet cloning has become routine. It’s called RePet.
While Barbra thinks it’s wonderful she can RePet her pooch, wouldn’t it be even more wonderful if you could ‘RePet’ your relatives?
Maybe the hospice could add it as an option. We’ve cloned cattle and rabbits and monkeys and cats and all sorts of other animals. What about relatives?
It’ll be pricey, but maybe the NHS will fork out.
They already pay for ‘test-tube baby’ treatments, which looked as weird as cloning (and as expensive) when the first in vitro baby Louise Brown was born.
Of course, so far as we know, no-one has yet cloned a human. But some people claim they have.
Back in 2002, a weird religious cult called the Raelians (led by a former racing-car driver who calls himself Rael and – of course – wears a flowing white robe) announced they had cloned not one baby but five!
Their top scientist, Brigitte Boisellier, took the media by storm.
Shortly after, I invited her to London to debate their claims. We sat side by side on Sir David Frost’s BBC show Breakfast with Frost.
Sir David asked me why I was helping promote the Raelians’ bizarre claims. I told him that while I didn’t believe they had cloned anyone, they were giving us all a great opportunity to debate the huge ethical issues at stake – because down the road there really could be an option to ‘RePet’ the human dead.
It’s not hard to remember how big a story it was when we heard Dolly the sheep had been cloned back in 1997.
Cloning led the news day after day. Of course, the issue was not: is it OK to clone sheep? (No-one much cares; sheep all look like clones anyway!)
It was: if this can be done to sheep, how long before it will be done to people? And will that be OK?
Almost everyone – including Ian Wilmut, the scientist who had cloned Dolly – said no! Not OK!
And the United Nations passed the Declaration on Human Cloning stating that all forms of human cloning were wrong. But the genie was out of the bottle.
The basic techniques involved are not all that complicated for anyone with access to a biology lab.
Most scientists didn’t believe the Raelians, or the later Korean claim to have cloned a human embryo, but they accepted that sooner or later it could be done and likely would be.
How soon?
I was certainly surprised to get a call at my home on a Sunday afternoon back in 1997 from the American newspaper USA Today asking for a quote on the story that Ian Wilmut had cloned Dolly the Sheep.
But I don’t think I’ll be surprised to get a call in 10 years’ time when the world’s first cloned baby has been born.
While there is no worldwide policy against human cloning, many countries have laws in place that prohibit reproductive and non-reproductive cloning.
Maybe we will see it happen in China, where scientists seem to be freer to break ethical taboos. Or maybe in the UK! At the moment it’s illegal to clone born babies in the UK.
Yet one British philosopher recently argued that Brexit offers a chance to escape European rules and have cloned British babies!
The most exciting research going on now is straight out of Jurassic Park. Back in 2011 scientists discovered the frozen body of a woolly mammoth.
Japanese scientists and Harvard University’s genetics guru George Church are working on bringing them back to life.
I’ve met Professor Church and he is one of the world’s top people in biology. If he says we’ll have herds of mammoths roaming the Arctic wastes in a few years, I suspect we shall.
More worrisome are reports that Chinese scientists have cloned monkeys. That takes us a whole lot closer to cloning people.
The actual cloning technology is easy to explain, and hasn’t changed since we first learned about it in 1997.
It’s called SCNT – ‘somatic cell nuclear transfer,’ and in principle should work the same way in any mammal, humans included.
Remove the nucleus of genetic material from the egg, and insert instead the genetic material from a ‘somatic’ cell – like your skin.
The egg would of course normally be fertilised by sperm. But now it doesn’t need to be. The implant is enough!
A clone will grow – the twin of the person/sheep/whatnot from which the skin cell was taken.
Back when cloning was a big political issue in the early 2000s, some scientists claimed that cloning would enable people with terrible diseases like Alzheimer’s to be healed – by cloning their embryo twins and fixing them with embryo twin tissue.
But it never worked. Though cloning so-called ‘adult’ stem cells has had therapeutic benefits, even Ian Wilmut has moved on to other research.
And when it comes to cloning humans, is ‘RePet for Relatives’ such a good idea?
The problem is, cloning is a trick. It doesn’t really bring gran back from the dead at all. Or dad.
That’s the core question. Even Barbra Streisand knows that her RePet pooches aren’t really the same as Samantha.
They’re basically Samantha’s identical twins, yet ‘twins’ born years after Samantha.
Just as identical twins look the same but develop in different ways, cloned sheep and cloned dogs and cloned people are different from each other.
And there’s a fatal flaw to the idea to clone your child, 12 year old Susie who was tragically knocked off her bike by a drunk driver.
Let’s say you decide to go ahead. You grab the DNA and send it to the lab. They make a Susie 2 embryo, you carry her to term, and – bingo – Susie is back! But not really.
The original Susie, was unique, she was loved for herself, she developed in ways all her own. Susie 2 is a project: the whole point about her is that she is not unique, and you will try your best to make her turn out like Susie 1.
Same clothes, same food, same music lessons and games and same kind of friends.
Just think what’s going on in this little girl’s mind as she grows up with parents trying to make her into her dead big sister.
This may work with dogs. Barbra says she’s looking forward to seeing whether her cloned pooches resemble dead Samantha as they get older.
But for Susie 2, and Susie 2’s mum and dad, it sounds like hell on earth.
The Future Of Everything
This piece is part of Metro.co.uk's series The Future Of Everything.
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