Mum diagnosed with three cancers can’t speak and hasn’t eaten for four years
Despite everything that has gone against her for the last 12 years, Debbie Caquias remains strong for her family.
She is battling three forms of cancer that have left her severely disfigured across her face and body.
Debbie, 51, is stared at in the street when she goes shopping with daughters Gabby, 12, and Kenzie, 10, but with their support and that of husband Sam, they still have a close bond.
Despite her not being able to talk or eat she can still communicate with them through a language they have made themselves.
Communicating via email Debbie, who lives in New York but is from Birmingham originally, said: ‘Having been diagnosed with three separate cancers my doctors say I’m incredibly unlucky, I feel like a ticking time bomb just waiting for my next dance with the devil.
‘It’s simple things I miss so much – smiling, talking, laughing and kissing my babies (although they kiss me often).’
Debbie got cancer in her tongue in 2007 and had to have seven weeks of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
It burned her mouth and throat making it impossible for her to eat and had to be fed through her stomach.
In 2015 she had reconstructive surgery but her jaw bone disintegrated and her left eye was paralysed.
She also suffered unrelated cancers in her bones and lymph nodes.
She said: ‘Learning to be stared at has been hard, my girls love to go out shopping with me they translate for me in stores and my oldest Gabby often tells people off for staring.
‘My husband and children are my front line supporters. My girls, although young, are amazing, they help clean my wounds, they won’t let me be down, their whole mantra is “not YET moma” and we often talk about “when moma can eat we will have…..”
‘I have my moments when it all gets a bit much and I feel sorry for me but between how my dad taught me to pick myself up and fight and my girls, who have every hope for a great future, I can’t sit back and give up.
‘I’m rare, people don’t generally survive my cancer and not twice so I feel blessed to be here.’
The only hope Debbie has is to have $150,000 (£115,000) of immunotherapy at a specialist clinic but they cannot afford it.
Debbie said: ‘It is incredibly hard to put myself out there like this feeling so vulnerable. I refuse to give up hope and think, if I can find the right person, we can fix this.’
Her family and friends have launched the Debbie’s Defenders fundraising team and they already have $16,000 (£12,300).
Her sister Jayne Yarrington, who lives in Tamworth, West Midlands, said: ‘She deserves this [immunotherapy], but we just don’t have the money to pay for it.
‘Debbie’s friends Helen and Carolynn have been amazing, as has Sam. It’s tough on him as he’s the only wage earner and he has to try to keep everything normal and go to work. It’s a godsend that he’s a trauma nurse as he’s able to change Debbie’s dressings and administer her medication.
‘Debbie has had an amazing team of doctors at Montefiore Medical Center that have been supportive to her plight and have done the best they know how for her.
‘However, we are at a point where Debbie needs highly specialised skilled reconstruction surgeons and alternative treatments to continue this fight.’
The team are also hoping to help cover many of the expenses that go along with the extreme level of care Debbie needs.
Sam has used up all of his annual leave and is trying not to take unpaid days off in a bid to keep some normality for the children.
Jayne added: ‘I’ve talked to Debbie about coming back to the UK but she’s established her life in America, it’s her home. I think she’s too ill to fly anyway. I feel we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.