The Memes of Game of Thrones’ Penultimate Episode Are So Good We’re Dying of Laughter
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones
One of the most brutal shows ever has its moments that are pretty downright hilarious, and even the bloody Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 “The Bells” was no exception.
There were game-changing narrative developments, tough-to-swallow casualties, and after 55 episodes of buildup we’re here. Thankfully so are the memes.
The penultimate episode really packed in that long-awaited action, all of which served to spawn memes about Cleganebowl, Daenerys becoming the mad queen and the letter that landed Varys in hot fire. Naturally, the Internet seized it all.
The show’s curtain dropper is imminent, so to cheer us up, here are the best memes of Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 that will last forever.