The Hoddle of Coffee: Tottenham Hotspur news and links for Monday, May 13
A coffee cake take. Hi, all!
In case anyone was curious: it is the week leading up to Eurovision, but I won’t do another week-long session of Eurovision Hoddles. I may have something a week from now, though, once I’ve seen the whole show.
Ramble of the Day
Recently, I upped my average intake of coffee cake. I had it twice over the span of about 15 days, as opposed to my previous intake of once in a while. I’ll fully admit that I have not spent a lot of time thinking about it since high school, where it was available at the somewhat rare breakfasts hosted for students at special events, but I recently had some at a coffee shop that was very tasty. That led to me indulging again (this time from a different place), and also brought me to...