EC sets special polling booths for differently-abled
The state administration has set up an auxiliary polling booth at the Institution for Children with Special Abilities at Sundernagar in Mandi Lok Sabha constituency for the last phase of the Parliamentary elections on May 19."This year Election Commission's motto is to make voting accessible for specially-abled persons. We have set up an auxiliary polling booth at Institution for Children with Special Abilities to facilitate voting for the visually and hearing impaired students. The administration has sensitized people beside this audio signage, visual film, ramps, and wheelchairs facilities will be provided," said Dr Amit Kumar Sharma, SDM, Sunder Nagar.Sundernagar assembly area has 635 specially-abled people, out of which 45 people have asked for wheelchairs and 11 persons will be accompanied by volunteers. Civil administration will be providing bus service to the pooling station for the old and differently-abled.The presiding officer will be provided with a ballot paper on which ...