Letter: Did this seal die because of Silicon Valley?
Our actions as human beings
can spread to other species
I see a link between two recent stories in the news. On April 30, an undernourished, 13-pound juvenile fur seal came ashore at Point Reyes looking for food and was killed by an off-leash dog. And in “CO₂ emissions from Silicon Valley and Salinas linked to ocean acidification in Monterey Bay” (Mercurynews.com, May 6), researchers at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium Research Institute reported that they suspect that Silicon Valley carbon dioxide emissions, blowing out to the ocean, may be contributing to making the sea water more acidic and adversely affecting sea life
This illustrates how our actions as human beings can spread to other species, and serves as yet another warning about the risks and consequences of runaway carbon-dioxide emissions caused in large part by burning fossil fuels.
Shouldn’t we take action now, before it’s too late, to protect our environment, our own health, and the health of other species?
Scott Wakefield
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