John Oliver On The Green New Deal: 'We've Broken Bill Nye!'
As John Oliver points out, the Green New Deal is a nonbinding resolution that sets out climate goals on greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to clean energy, and creating jobs.
“The whole Green New Deal is just 40 pages long. That is seven pages shorter than the menu for the Cheesecake Factory," he said.
Oliver focused on carbon pricing, and brought in Bill Nye, the Science Guy, to explain it. “When something costs more, people release less of it,” Nye said. He said that would mean fewer fires, floods, and other manifestations of the climate crisis
In the U.K., carbon pricing caused carbon emissions to drop to levels not seen since 1890, Oliver said, going off into a tangent about Mary Poppins. (I won't ruin it for you.)
To drive home the message, a disgusted Nye did with a “gritty reboot” of his science segments, lighting a globe on fire to show that the planet really is in a state of emergency.
“You’re adults now, and this is an actual crisis,” said Bill Nye.