Temperatures reach scorching 29°C at edge of Arctic Circle
A bizarre weather phenomenon has pushed temperatures to three times what they should be in a part of north western Russia.
Normally around this time of year, temperatures in the city of Arkhangelsk are around 12°C, but on Saturday the mercury hit 29°C.
Meteorologist Mika Rantanen explained that the rare occurrence was as result of jet streams.
He told Metro.co.uk: ‘Jet streams separate the cold and warm air masses from each other.
‘Usually they flow from west to east, so that cold air is on the north side of the jet and warm air on the south.
‘Sometimes, the jet streams can flow more from south to north, so the temperatures difference can be more east-west oriented.
‘This was the case on Saturday. It was very hot in western Russia, but relatively cold on the other side of the jet in central Europe.’
But although it may seem to be a huge change in what the temperature should be, Mika said this can happen from ‘time to time.’
He added: ‘There is some evidence that global warming could make these waves in jet streams remain stationary for longer.
‘It is possible that global warming had an effect here, but it is impossible to say 100 per cent.’
The jet stream has since resorted to its usual pattern and temperatures have returned to normal.
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