This is how much you can earn as a Meghan Markle lookalike
Looking like the Duchess of Sussex = dollar
Meghan Markle was the most Googled person of 2018, and we’ll be surprised if she doesn’t top the list again this year. She’s undoubtedly one of the most famous women on the planet, and the world watches everything she does – whether she’s giving an impassioned speech about feminism or wearing a nail varnish that breaks royal protocol (seriously), it all makes headlines.
So if you happen to look like the Duchess of Sussex, you can enjoy a similar level of attention when out and about according to one Meghan lookalike. That’s right – you might find that people are taking sneaky pics of you while you’re pushing your trolley through Tesco. Whispers as you walk down the street. Fellow diners will likely be staring at you as you tuck into your carbonara on date night with someone who’s not Prince Harry.
But with it comes the opportunity to make a fair amount of cash, as impersonator Olivia Marsden has revealed that she can be paid anything from £200 – £1,000 a job when she’s booked as the former Suits star.
The receptionist can be booked to appear as the Duchess for a range of events – photo shoots, filming, PR stunts and corporate events as well as meet-and-greets, parties and worldwide appearances.
She told The Sun: ‘When I first saw Meghan in TV show Suits in 2011, I noticed the similarities between us: we had the same dark hair, freckly complexion and hazel eyes. It wasn’t until September 2017 that someone else commented on our likeness while I was working as cabin crew on a flight to Toronto, and I took it as a huge compliment.
‘After Meghan’s engagement to Prince Harry in November 2017, more people began to spot our similarities.’
But if you’re thinking of becoming a lookalike as a side hustle, there’s more to it than just turning up. Olivia says she invested in copycat Meghan outfits, and also spent hours watching videos of the Duchess to nail her mannerisms, accent and makeup.
Think you could do it?
The post This is how much you can earn as a Meghan Markle lookalike appeared first on Marie Claire.