Can You Find The Biggest Tree in Michigan?
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) – A nonprofit tree-planting and education organization is seeking the largest trees in Michigan.
Ann Arbor-based ReLeaf Michigan says it’s 14th Michigan Big Tree Hunt Contest runs through Sept. 3.
Certificates and prizes will be awarded for the largest tree submitted from each of the state’s counties, for the largest tree found by someone 15 and younger and 16 and older, and for the largest Eastern White Pine in the state.
The Michigan Big Tree Hunt was started in 1993 to celebrate the state’s beauty and gather information about its biggest trees. Contest entries provide potential state champion trees to Michigan’s Big Tree Registry as well as the National Register of Big Trees.
ReLeaf Michigan partners with communities to replenish the state’s tree canopies by planting trees in public spaces.
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